01 - This Is Where the Girls Start
Original Name: これからが彼女たちのはじまり
Aired: July 8, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: The world is all one!!

02 - The Girls Start "Preparing"
Original Name: "準備"をはじめた少女たち
Aired: July 15, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Positive!
Insert Songs: Watashi wa Idol ♥

03 - Everything Starts With One Courageous Step
Original Name: すべては一歩の勇気から
Aired: July 22, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: First Stage
Insert Songs: ALRIGHT*

04 - That Changes Who I Am
Original Name: 自分を変えるということ
Aired: July 29, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Aoi Tori
Insert Songs: Otome yo Taishi wo Dake

05 - Spending Summer Vacation With Everyone
Original Name: みんなとすごす夏休み
Aired: August 5, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: MOONY
Insert Songs: Kami SUMMER!!

06 - The Decision to Continue Forward
Original Name: 先に進むという選択
Aired: August 12, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Insert Songs: SMOKY THRILL

07 - Things You Love, Things That Are Important
Original Name: 大好きなもの、大切なもの
Aired: August 19, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Ohayou!! Asagohan
Insert Songs: Kiramekirari

08 - The Indirect Route to Happiness
Original Name: しあわせへの回り道
Aired: August 26, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Hanikami! First Bite
Insert Songs: Agent Yoru o Yuku, Hare Iro, Meisou Mind, shiny smile

09 - Things You Can Do As Two
Original Name: ふたりだから出来ること
Aired: September 2, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Reimei Starline

10 - Moving Forward a little bit, with Everyone
Original Name: みんなで、少しでも前へ
Aired: September 9, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: GO MY WAY!!
Insert Songs: L O B M, Alice or Guilty

11 - Hopes, Uncertainties and Signs
Original Name: 期待、不安、そして予兆
Aired: September 16, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Start!!
Insert Songs: Waratte!!

12 - A Goal with a One-Way Path
Original Name: 一方通行の終着点
Aired: September 23, 2011
Opening Song: READY!!
Ending Song: Shocking na Kare!
Insert Songs: Furufuru Future ☆

13 - And so, the Girls Rise to the Shining Stage
Original Name: そして、彼女たちはきらめくステージへ
Aired: September 30, 2011
Opening Song: N/A
Ending Song: i
Insert Songs: THE IDOLM@STER, Otome yo Taishi o Dake!!, Kiramekirari, My Best Friend, Watashi wa Idol ♥, Start→ Star→, Omoide o Arigatou, Next Life, Flower Girl, Day of the Future, Marionette no Kokoro, Me ga Au Toki, Jibun REST@RT,

14 - The World that Began to Change!
Original Name: 変わり始めた世界!
Aired: October 7, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Colorful Days
Insert Songs: Kimi wa Melody

15 - Everyone Together, It's a Live Broadcast! A Live Broadcast!
Original Name: みんな揃って、生放送ですよ生放送!
Aired: October 14, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: MEGARE!
Insert Songs: Smile Taisou

16 - How It Feels to be All Alone
Original Name: ひとりぼっちの気持ち
Aired: October 21, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Brand New Day
Insert Songs: TRIAL DANCE

17 - Makoto, A True Prince
Original Name: 真、まことの王子様
Aired: October 28, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Cheering Letter
Insert Songs: Jitensha

18 - Lots of, Everything
Original Name: たくさんの、いっぱい
Aired: November 4, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Mahou wo Kakete!
Insert Songs: Nana Iro Button, Ippai Ippai

19 - Like the Moon Hiding Between the Clouds
Original Name: 雲間に隠れる月の如く
Aired: October 11, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Kazahana
Insert Songs: Flower Girl

20 - Promise
Original Name: 約束
Aired: October 18, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Yakusoku

21 - Like a Flower Blooming
Original Name: まるで花が咲くように
Aired: October 25, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Sora
Insert Songs: Koi wo Hajimeyou, Nemuri Hime, Hana

22 - On Christmas Eve
Original Name: 聖夜の夜に
Aired: December 2, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Happy Christmas
Insert Songs: relations, inferno, My Wish, Attakana Yuki

23 - I
Original Name: 私
Aired: December 9, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Mitsumete
Insert Songs: Nana Iro Button, i, Little Match Girl

24 - Dream
Original Name: 夢
Aired: December 16, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Massugu
Insert Songs: Honey Heartbeat, Sayonara wo Arigatou

25 - Everyone, Together!
Original Name: みんなと、いっしょに!
Aired: December 23, 2011
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: Issho
Insert Songs: READY!! & CHANGE!!!! SPECIAL EDITION, Watashi-tachi wa Zutto... Deshou?

26 - The Story of 765PRO
Original Name: 765プロという物語
Aired: June 16, 2012
Opening Song: CHANGE!!!!
Ending Song: my song
Insert Songs: Nana Iro Button, Otome yo Taisho wo Idake, Kazahana, Agent Yoru o Yuku, Me ga Au Toki, Aoi Tori, Ohayou! Asagohan, Tonari ni...
OVA1 - Music in the World
Original Name: Music in the world
Aired: October 25, 2012
Insert Songs: Vault That Borderline, MUSIC♪
This is a exclusive episode from Shiny Festa: Honey Sound game.
OVA2 - Music is a Friend
Original Name: Music is a friend
Aired: October 25, 2012
Insert Songs: Visionary, MUSIC♪
This is a exclusive episode from Shiny Festa: Funky Note game.
OVA3 - Music of Love
Original Name: Music of love
Aired: October 25, 2012
Insert Songs: edeN, MUSIC♪
This is a exclusive episode from Shiny Festa: Groovy Tune game.