Song Information
- Original Title: THE IDOLM@STER
- Romanized Title: THE IDOLM@STER
- Composer: Hiroto Sasaki
- Lyricist: Megumi Nakamura
- Image Stat: Dance
- The iDOLM@STER as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER: Live for You as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER SP as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER Dearly Stars as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa: Honey Sound as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa: Funky Note as Standard Content
- The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa: Groovy Tune as Standard Content
One of the firsts songs appeared in the franchise, THE IDOLM@STER is the only song to appear in all succeeding versions of the game (in The iDOLM@STER 2, the song is called THE IDOLM@STER 2nd-mix).
Japanese/Kanji Lyrics | Romanized Lyrics | Translated Lyrics |
もう伏目がちな昨日なんていらない 今日これから始まる私の伝説 きっと男が見れば 他愛のない過ち 繰り返してでも | Mou fujimegachi na kinou nante iranai Kyou kore kara hajimaru watashi no densetsu Kitto otoko ga mireba Taai no nai ayamachi Kurikaeshite demo | Another dreary yesterday won't be coming this time. After today is the beginning of my legend. Surely if guys watch... it's a non-altruistic fault, But I'll do it again. |
うぬぼれとかしたたかさも必要 そう 恥じらいなんて時には邪魔なだけ 清く正しく生きる それだけでは退屈 一歩を大きく | Unubore to ka shitatakasa mo hitsuyou Sou hajirai nante toki ni wa jama na dake Kiyoku tadashiku ikiru Sore dake de wa taikutsu Ippo wo ookiku | I was lended some conceit, for fame it's essential. Yes, shy moments are just a hindrance. A noble, righteous existence... Just that is boring! Take each step in a grand way. |
進もう毎日 夢に向かって 漠然とじゃない 意図的に 泣きたい時には 涙流して ストレス溜めない | Susumou mainichi Yume ni mukatte Bakuzen to ja nai Itoteki ni Nakitai toki ni wa Namida nagashite SUTORESU tamenai | Advancing every day, Heading for that dream, Shaking uncertainty With intention. When wanting to cry, Shed those tears. Don't accumulate that stress! |
ほんの些細な言葉に傷付いた だけど甘い物食べて幸せよ 気まぐれに付き合うのも大変ね 悪いとは思うけどやめられない | Honno sasai na kotoba ni kizutsuita Dakedo amaimono tabete shiawase yo Kimagure ni tsukiau no mo taihen ne Warui to wa omou kedo yamerarenai | Those mere trivial words caused pain. But eating sweet food is happiness! On a whim, getting along is difficult. But don't forget, "bad" is just a feeling. |
ええ…今すぐ行きたい場所があるのです… さあ 誰もいない海に連れて行ってね でもね日焼けはダメよ 次の仕事あるから 車を出してよ | Ee ima sugu ikitai basho ga aru no desu... Saa dare mo inai umi ni tsureteitte ne Demo ne hiyake wa dame yo Tsugi no shigoto aru kara Kuruma wo dashite yo | Erm... I have a place that I really want to go right now Now, please take me to a deserted beach But I can't get a sunburn okay I have another job to go to after this so let's take your car |
お酒や煙草には興味ないけど もう気持ちだけは大人一人 前なの だから優しくしてよ レディー扱いしてね 夜遊び許して | Osake ya tabako ni wa kyoumi nai kedo Mou kimochi dake wa otona ichinin Mae na no Dakara yasashiku shite yo REDII atsukai shite ne Yoasobi yurushite | Just so you know I have no interest in wine and smokes It feels enough to just be in the presence of an adult That's why treat me kindly Treat me as a lady okay Please excuse me from participating in the nightlife |
仕事に練習 寝る間惜しんで 学校勉強 ほどほどに クラスの友達 思い出せない 彼氏もできない | Shigoto ni renshuu Neruma oshinde Gakkou benkyou Hodohodo ni KURASU no tomodachi Omoidasenai Kareshi mo dekinai | Practice during work Giving up on sleep School, studies I pretty much cannot recall my classmates Can't get a boyfriend either |
プライベートがないのはつまらない 遊びたい時あるのよ アイドルも 人に知られず内緒でハジけたい! 普通の女子と違うの知ってるし | PURAIBEETO ga nai no wa tsumaranai Asobitai toki aru no yo AIDORU mo Hito ni shirarezu naisho de hajiketai! Futsuu no joshi to chigau no shitteru shi | It's boring when you've got no privacy There are times when an IDOL wants to have fun too I'm bursting to confide in someone! Though I know I'm different from normal girls |
でもまだヘコたれない 孤独に負けたくない! 乙女を舐めちゃイカン 何かが掴めたかも | Demo mada hekotarenai Kodoku ni maketakunai! Otome wo namecha ikan Nani ka ga tsukameta kamo | But I still won't lose heart I won't lose to loneliness! Don't look down on girls You never know what you might get |
うーん 人気者になりたいのは当然 まあ お金だってあれば嬉しいもの だわ それが目標だから 遠慮なんて禁物 結果が全てよ | Uun ninkimono ni naritai no wa tozzen Maa okane datte areba ureshii mono Da wa Sore ga mokuhyou dakara Enryo nante kinmotsu Kekka ga subete yo | Yesh, naturally I want to be famous Well, the money is a big happy plus I guess. Since that's the motive there's no way of holding back The end results are everything |
体力回復 ほんの一瞬 栄養ドリンク まだ不要 満員電車は 乗らないものの 毎日戦い | Tairyoku kaifuku Honno isshun Eiyou DORINKU Mada fuyou Man'in densha wa Noranai mono no Mainichi tatakai | Recovering health takes but an instant Health drinks are still unnecessary Crowded trains are a daily battle of not being able to board |
会社勤めはおそらく向いてない お茶を汲むのもコピーもイヤだから タイムサービス バーゲン行きたいな 自信あるのよ お得な買い物は | Kaisha tsutome wa osoraku muitenai Ocha wo kumu no mo KOPII mo iiya dakara TAIMU SAABISU BEEGEN ikitai na Jishin aru no yo otoku na kaimono wa | I guess working in the office isn't something to look forward to Because pumping out green tea and photocopying just isn't my cup of tea I wish I could go for time service soon I've got confidence in my shopping abilities |
新しい物大好き 詳しいの 機嫌取るには何よりプレゼント 男では耐えられない痛みでも 女なら耐えられます 強いから | Atarashii mono daisuki kuwashii no Kigen toru ni wa naniyori PUREZENTO Otoko de wa taerarenai itami demo Onna nara taeraremasu tsuyoi kara | I really love new things, as some should know The best present is to choose humor Men might not be able to endure the pain, but... Woman will endure it with strength |