Voiced by Nakamura Eriko (中村繪里子)
Age: 17
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: April 3
Three Size: 83-56-82
"I love making sweets and going to karaoke. But really, instead of karaoke I would like to stand on stage and sing. I'll promise to do my best when practicing, so we can aim for top idol!!"
Amami Haruka is a very cheerful and hard-working girl who loves to sing. She's also known to be the main heroine of the iDOLM@STER games.
Due to her nature, she can quite easily get along with almost anybody, hence the reason why Takagi calls her "a normal girl". She is also a very clumsy girl who frequently trips and falls, but despite her clumsiness she loves to dance and participate in sports events. Haruka is always working the hardest to make the Producer happy.
Haruka also loves making sweets, which is one of her main hobbies. She especially loves to make cakes and cookies and bring them to the office with her and share them with the staff. On her days off Haruka loves to research new recipes or go to the local bakery to buy cakes and then try to make the same kind herself.
Her family consists of herself, her father, and her mother. The Amamis are a very cheerful family, and value the importance of spending time together. Because her house is in a provincial city far away from downtown, Haruka has to take the morning's first train whenever she goes to work in Tokyo.
Haruka's trademark accessories are her twin ribbons. In certain outfits they are replaced with barrettes, but she always has a hair decoration of some kind.
- Though being completely the opposite of shy, Haruka has very many friends but ironically none of her friends are boys. She isn't even acquainted with any boys at her school or at all, with the exception of Producer, for unknown reasons.
- Haruka will ignore anyone for a whole day if they anger her even a little bit, even Producer.
- Haruka prefers to practice her singing in the park due to a childhood memory.
- Haruka's trademark accessories are her twin ribbons. In certain outfits they are replaced with barrettes, but she always has a hair decoration of some kind.
- Haruka is criticized by fans because of the characteristic face she usually makes while thinking. It is called "nonowa", because her eyes and mouth look very similar to the Japanese text のヮの.
Personal Songs
- I Want
- Taiyou no Jealousy
- Watashi wa Idol ♥
Image Songs
- Otome yu Taishi wo Idake!!
Appearances (Games)
- The iDOLM@STER as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER: Live for You! as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER SP as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER Dearly Stars as non-playable character
- The iDOLM@STER 2 as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER: Gravure for You! as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER Live in Slot! as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER Shiny Festa: Honey Sound as playable character
- The iDOLM@STER Million Live! as playable character
Appearances (Anime)
- iDOLM@STER: Xenoglossia as main character
- The iDOLM@STER: Live for You! as main character
- The iDOLM@STER as main character
- Puchimas! Petit iDOLM@STER as supporting character
Appearances (Manga)
- The iDOLM@STER: The world is all one!! as main character
- Puchimas! Petit iDOLM@STER as supporting character