The sixth game of The iDOLM@STER franchise, The iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls is an social game produced by Namco Bandai to mobile phones.
Cinderella Girls will have over 100 playable idols, including almost all the character of the main series.
With similar gameplay of the console games, the player is the Producer who helps your idol unit to reach the stardom.
Starting with a few idols, you can unlock new idols and costumes in the progress of the game.
The game have three categories of idols: Cute (Pink), Cool (Blue), and Passionate (Yellow), with weakness and advantage type system.
In the beggining of the game, Sengawa Chihiro will help the players to learn the game mechanics, like Otonashi Kotori in the main series.
The game is similar to social browser games, with stamina system. The player recovers 1 stamina every 3 minutes and can be used to do Lessons, Special Lessons and Works (like the main series).
With similar system of The iDOLM@STER 2, when you reach the end of a district, you will be challenged by an idol to a Live Battle, decided by the number of fans.
The game contain the multiplayer mode, leaderboards and many other features to allow the players to interact with each other more. Similar to Live Battle, Live Concert is a online battle between players.
- Original Name: アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ
- Developer / Publisher: Namco Bandai
- Platform: Mobile Phones
- Rating: Rating Pending
- Japan Only
- Avaliable at http://sp.pf.mbga.jp/12008305