sábado, 1 de janeiro de 2011

Ijuuin Hokuto

Ijuuin Hokuto (伊集院北斗)
Voiced by Kanbara Daichi (神原大地)
Age: 20
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: February 14
Three Size: 86-76-87

"I've never made an appeal to anyone else other than girls, so I'm writing this assuming that the readers are all women... Ciao!☆ I'm quite sad that I can't see my dear little princesses. So hurry and come see me shine on stage. I'll be waiting here...forever."  

Ijuuin Hokuto. Charming, confident and elegant. He has a princely type characteristic (cue idol 'prince'). Member of 961 Pro's Project Jupiter.
As part of 961 Productions, he doesn't give much effort in dancing. He consists solely of over-the-top pickup lines and attempts at flirting because he claims he only knows how to appeal to a female audience. He talks in a polite manner whether if it's his rivals or not.

Appearances (Games)
- The iDOLM@STER 2 as non-playable character

Appearances (Anime)
- The iDOLM@STER as supporting character
